Come visit us at our new location at 1075 South Ave W on the Missoula Fairgrounds.

Blooms & Brews - Montana Pollen Station

Mar 12th 2024 - Mar 12th 2024

Start Time: 06:00 PM
End Time: 08:00 PM

Where: GW Marks Exploration Center
1075 South Ave W Missoula
MT 59801

"The Answer my Friend is Blowin in the Wind"
How Montana's only pollen station has served the state for 20 years.

Join us on March 12th from 6 to 8 pm to learn about Montana's only pollen station operated by Emily Weiler. Emily worked for 19 years at the University of Montana and now works for the University of Colorado-Denver. Her passion for pollen started as an undergraduate chemistry student and her favorite pollen grain--yes she has a favorite--is pine (it looks like Mickey Mouse!). Emily was a research specialist in air quality and respiratory disease for 15 years and then worked at the Montana Public Health Training Center designing public health trainings. She is now an instructional designer at UC-Denver's Rocky Mountain Public Health Training Center, but could not leave the pollen station behind!

The Montana pollen station has been serving western Montana and the Rocky Mountain region for 20 years. Originally housed at the University of Montana, the station was a labor of love for the current manager who has been running it solo for most of those years. The station has gained many loyal followers including allergists and allergy sufferers across the region. The station's focus is wind-pollinated plants and they produce pollen reports from March through October each year. Their extensive library of count data is useful for comparing seasonal variations over the years due to weather, wildfire activity, and invasive species eradication projects. The pollen station will now be housed at the GW Marks Exploration Center to continue this fascinating work.

Come learn about the pollen station work and what we can offer you!
Learn about the counting process and see what these tiny pollen grains look like close-up. You'll never look at that yellow pollen mess stuck to your car quite the same!

More Information


Cost per person: $10.00


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We look forward to seeing you there!