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Montana Master Gardener 12 week course - Gardening in Montana Spring 2025

The Montana Master Gardener Program serves as an education and volunteer service organization. The program’s purpose is to provide technical assistance and unbiased, research-based information in consumer horticulture to people in all Montana communities through qualified volunteers. Through the Master Gardener program we empower individuals with sound horticultural practices that minimize negative impacts on the environment. The program is based on a philosophy of shared ownership. MSU extension agents, staff, and volunteers share vision, ideas, and responsibilities for the program.
Registration for course closes 2/3 at 4pm!!
The Spring Course Schedule will run Wednesdays 6pm - 8:30 pm. This course will be offered with the Gardening in Montana series at the GW Marks Exploration Center 1075 South Ave W Missoula. For those wishing to certify as a Master Gardener Volunteer, you will be required to attend all 12 classes, pass the open book exam, and complete 20 hours of volunteer service approved by the MSU Horticulture agent.
Week 1 Feb 5 6pm-8:30 pm
Week 2 Feb 12 6pm-8:30 pm
Week 3 Feb 19 6pm-8:30 pm
Week 4 Feb 26 6pm-8:30 pm
Week 5 March 5 6pm-8:30 pm
Week 6 March 12 6pm-8:30 pm
SPRING BREAK -no class
Week 7 March 26 6pm-8:30 pm
Week 8 April 2 6pm-8:30 pm
Week 9 April 9 6pm-8:30 pm
Week 10 April 16 6pm-8:30 pm
Week 11 April 23 6pm-8:30 pm
Week 12 April 30 6pm-8:30 pm
Topics Covered
Soils, Nutrients and Fertilizer
Plant Growth and Development
Vegetable Gardening
Growing Small Fruit and Fruit Trees
Growing and Caring for Flowers
Landscape Design
Planting and Maintaining Trees and Shrubs
Lawn Alternatives and Irrigation
Introduction to Integrated Pest Management (IPM)