Department of Ecology & Extension staff are committed to working with you to get you the information and resources you need to be successful in your goals.
Alexandra Brown
Rocky Mountain Gardens Program Coordinator
Bryce Christiaens
Department Director
Pirrie Durkee
Financial Coordinator
Chelsea Paschall
Office Administrator
Jean Jenkins
Foundation Coordinator
Jed Little
GIS Specialist
Rebecca Donaldson
Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator
Layne Von Lanken
IPM Coordinator & Lolo Mosquito
Marirose Kuhlman
Habitat Coordinator
Melissa Maggio
MT Biocontrol Project Coordinator
Molly Attwater
EFNEP Nutrition Educator
Kelly Moore
MSU Family Consumer Science Agent
Alyssa Foote
EFNEP Nutrition Educator
Steffany Rogge
Education Coordinator
Campbell Barrett
MSU 4-H Agent
Phoebe Knight
4-H Administrator
Molly Anton
Rocky Mountain Gardens Coordinator
Sandy Perrin
Plant Clinic Coordinator
Sarah Holden
MSU Horticulture Agent
Callye Foster
Climate Resiliency Educator