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Livestock and Equine

Pasture Evaluation Program

The purpose of the Pasture Evaluation Program is to bring up-to-date, unbiased information from the university extension system and local county resources directly to your private or commercial farm or ranch. This is a FREE service to Missoula County residents who want to make their properties more productive, safe, and beautiful!

A link to the Pasture Evaluation Application can be found on THIS LINK HERE.

Here is a list of topics that are commonly covered in a Pasture Evaluation:

  • Pasture productivity (tons per acre)
  • Rotational grazing strategies
  • Pasture aesthetics
  • Decreasing non-structural carbohydrates for horses at risk of laminitis
  • Mitigating parasites (internal and external)
  • Manure spreading or disposal
  • Controlling weeds and invasive grasses
  • Making the pasture more "fire-wise"
  • Planting native trees and shrubs
  • Irrigation and fencing systems
  • Bear-proofing feed and livestock areas

Here is a list of analytical services that can be sampled during a Pasture Evaluation: 

*Important: An employee of Missoula County Department of Ecology and Extension will teach you how to collect samples and send to the appropriate laboratory, but you must pay the cost of the third-party analytical service. We can get you a quote for that service before the evaluation. 

  • Soil nutrient sampling
  • Forage/hay nutrient sampling
  • Fresh grass nutrient sampling 
  • Diagnosis of plant diseases, insect damage, and environmental plant problems (MSU Schutter Diagnostic Laboratory)

All Missoula County properties with horse, cattle, and small ruminants are eligible, regardless of size, function or breed of animals. Properties are serviced on a first come basis; completing this form will hold your place in line. Sampling typically begins in April and continues through September.

*If you are outside of Missoula County, we encourage you to contact your local MSU Extension office and County Weed District for information and support.