The Missoula County Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) District is the first and only county AIS district in Montana. Created in spring of 2020, the purpose of the district is to coordinate the prevention, monitoring and management of AIS within the county, as well as educate the people living and recreating within Missoula County on the identification and impacts of aquatic invasive species to the environment and our economy.
AIS Board

Meetings are held at 4 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month, September through May, at the Missoula County Extension and Weed District Office. Due to COVID-19, the meetings may be held virtually until further notice. Click here for more information on meeting agendas and minutes.
- Mike Day
- Russell Hartzell – Chair
- Chris Mascari
- Andrew Skibo
- Joann Wallenburn
- Dennis VanderMeer
The purpose of the board is to coordinate the prevention, survey, monitoring, and management of aquatic invasive species within Missoula County and the education and outreach of people living and recreating within Missoula County on the identification and impacts of aquatic invasive species on our economy and environment.