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Aquatic Invasive Species

AIS Management

The Missoula County Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) District is the first and only county AIS district in Montana. Created in spring of 2020, the purpose of the district is to coordinate the prevention, monitoring and management of AIS within the county, as well as educate the people living and recreating within Missoula County on the identification and impacts of aquatic invasive species to the environment and our economy.



Overland travel of contaminated watercraft and equipment is believed to be the single largest vector for AIS movement from one water system to the next. Watercraft Inspection Stations are located at major travel corridors and important watersheds in Montana.

Missoula County Aquatic Invasive Species District (MCAISD) in partnership with Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks staff and operated the Clearwater Watercraft Inspection Station (WIS) at the junction of Hwy 200 and Hwy 83 in Greenough, Montana.

The Clearwater WIS check all watercraft traveling East and West on Hwy 200. This station serves as a interior line of defense for our local Blackfoot, Clearwater and Swan Watersheds. It also protects the Flathead Watershed and further downstream, the Upper Columbia Watershed.

At Clearwater WIS inspectors are checking to make sure all watercraft are Clean Drained and Dry. Aquatic invasive species are transported on dirty watercraft and in standing water that can be located in boat ballast, live wells and bilge areas.

To learn more about Montana’s Watercraft Inspection program visit