Energy Income Eligibility Programs

Montana Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Offered through DPHHS and District XI Human Resource Council, the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program can pay a portion of your energy bills during winter months. The LIHEAP program may be able to help you during furnace emergencies.
Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)
This program provides home weatherization resources and education to aid households in improving their home's indoor air quality, comfort, and efficiency. Eligible households will receive an energy audit and cost-effective weatherization materials or installment of weatherization materials.
Those who qualify for LIHEAP are eligible for the Weatherization Assistance Program. Montanas can now submit a combined LIHEAP and Weatherization application.
To apply for assistance, click on each program's name above to visit their website.
Northwestern Energy Discount
Households that qualify for LIHEAP automatically receive discounts from NWE.
Electric Service - 25% discount on electric bills November - April and 15% May - October
Gas Service - 30% discount on natural gas bill November - April
Energy Share of Montana
Households faced with an energy emergency may qualify for one-time assistance through the Energy Share fund. Applications are considered on an individual basis.