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Pest Management Calendar

Raspberry and Grasshopper Care

Wednesday, May 29, 2024Saturday, June 1, 2024

When raspberries are just about to bloom, treat for adult Western Raspberry Fruitworm. When White Clover blooms, apply "Nosema locustae" - Nolo Bait to grassy, south-facing areas where grasshoppers are hatching. Nolo Bait takes 6 to 8 weeks to work.

Raspberries are easy to grow shrubs with biennial canes. The canes that have fruit on them in the second year then die with new canes sprouting up to take their place. Raspberries can be red, yellow or black in color. There are everbearing which fruit ripens on 2 year canes in summer and on the top of new first year canes in the fall, and the summerbearing which ripen early to midsummer on the second year canes. Raspberries need full sun and a well-drained soil with lots of organic matter in it.

Western Raspberry Fruitworm
Adults are small brown oblong beetles ¼ to ½ inch long. The adults cause characteristic slits in the leaves from their feeding and destroy developing buds. The larvae feed within the blossoms and inside developing fruit.

Grasshoppers are some of the most familiar of all insects, and more than 550 species occur in North America. Grasshoppers damage plants by chewing. Most feeding occurs on foliage, although immature pods and fruit may also be eaten. Bark from twigs is sometimes gnawed, causing girdling wounds.