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Molly Anton, RMG Coordinator, speaks to a group touring the gardens.

Rocky Mountain Gardens

Tour the Gardens

PHLOX FEST: Rocky Mountain Garden's Spring Opening

Phlox Fest logo

After another long winter, it's time to celebrate the Garden's reawakening!

Join us on Saturday, April 26, for Phlox Fest, Rocky Mountain Garden's official spring opening. This year's theme is "ReWild Missoula", with the goal of promoting public awareness around habitat conservation and creation. Our partners in attendance will provide attendees with ideas and information about actions they can take in their own yards, gardens, patios, and properties to support wildlife.

Rocky Mountain Gardens logo is adorned with the Missoula Phlox (Phlox missoulensis), a species of concern that has, at this point, been found only in Missoula County. We chose this unassuming flower for its special link to Missoula, and as a reminder of the importance of native plant conservation.

Missoula Phlox typically flowers from mid-April till June. You can visit several of these plants in our Montana Crevice Garden where they will, hopefully, be blooming for the festivities!


TABLING for the Department of Ecology & Extension and our Partners.

FOOD & BEVERAGES available from Brew Ha Ha & Fat Baby Frybread.

MUSIC by Good Old Fashioned.