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Who We Are

Meet the MFPAB Board

Food Policy Advisory Board Members

Board Chair:

Jamie Breidenbach - Program Manager, Missoula Food Bank & Community Center

I believe that affordable access to local food is in the best interest of the health of our community and those who live here. Advocating for a healthy local food community is a passion, both personally and professionally.   

Board Vice Chair:

Alexandra Brown - Program Development Coordinator, Rocky Mountain Gardens

In the face of climate instability, ensuring a thriving local food system is more important than ever. I want to lend a hand in providing that for all Missoulians, especially the generations to come. 

Board Members:

Erika Berglund - Research Manager at JG Research & Evaluation

I became involved with MFPAB because I see food systems as being the lifeblood of communities. I believe community-driven food policy solutions have the ability to enhance, grow, and nourish Missoula's food system in such a way that generates regional self-reliance by supporting all residents in accessing healthy, nutritious food; local producers and food businesses to thrive; and the sustainable use of natural resources.

Blake Lineweaver - Cooperative Development Program Manager at Mission West Community Development Partners (Ronan, MT)

I am excited to learn and support a resilient and robust food system for Missoula alongside our regional network of producers, consumers, and community stakeholders.

Scott Billadeau 

Virginia Harris (Alternate) - MSW Graduate Student

Food and farming are the backbone of the community, and I am excited to support Missoula's commitment to supporting local food access and preserving agricultural land.

Josh Slotnick (Ex-Officio) - Missoula County Commissioner

Starting this board was my project. Before being elected to my first term as a County Commissioner  I taught in the Environmental Studies program at the University of Montana. I ran the PEAS farm and was a co-founder of both the PEAS farm and Garden City Harvest. I was also a partner in my family's farm Clark Fork Organics for many years.