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Black Henbane

Black Henbane

Black Henbane
Hyoscyamus niger


·        Roots: Branched, fleshy taproot are large and fleshy

·        Leaves: Alternating large leaves -up to 6 inches wide and 8 or more inches long- with course toothed to shallowly lobed margins. Grayish-green color with a creamy white mid-vein.

·        Stems: Stems of a mature plant are erect, leafy, thick, course, hairy, and widely branched.

·        Flowers: 5-lobed petals are brownish yellow with dark purple veins form a funnel-shaped flowers arranged in a long spike-like inflorescence in the upper leaves with the youngest flower at the tip.

·        Seeds/Fruits: After flowering two rows of 1 inch long, 5-lobed, pineapple-shaped fruits, each fruit capsule contains black, pitted seeds. Plants can produce 10,000 to 500,000 seeds.

Life Cycle


Control (Herbicide or Biocontrol)

Several herbicides are listed as providing control throughout the plant's growth stage including Aminopyralid, Dicamba, Picloram, Metsulfuron, Metsulfuron + chlorsulfuron. Herbicides should be applied with a non-ionic surfactant at the rosette stage and prior to the plant flowering to prevent seed production. Monitor after application of the herbicide, any escapes or regrowth should be retreated.