Bur Buttercup

Bur Buttercup
Ranunculus testiculatus
Roots: shallow fibrous taproot
Leaves: Basal leaves, 1-4 inches wide and divide into 3 lobed leaflets with short wooly hairs.
Stems: 1-3 inches tall, pale green with short wooly hairs.
Flowers: Small, 2-5 yellow petals.
Seeds/Fruits: Bur-like seed heads, become prickly when they dry out and stick to animal fur or clothing.
Life Cycle
Found in the disturbed soil of grasslands and along roads.
Several herbicides, including 2,4-D, dicamba, glyphosate, chlorsulfuron, metsulfuron, and triclopyr, are listed as providing control the plant when applied before the plant flowers and produces seeds.