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Common Mullein

Common Mullein

Common Mullein
Verbascum thapsus


·        Roots: Deep taproot with branched secondary fibrous roots

·        Leaves: Thick densely furry grey-green leaves, produces a basal rosette and a substantial crown in the first year. In the second year, leaves are elongated and wooly, alternate along the stem.

·        Stems: Plants produce a single, thick stem.

·        Flowers: Flowering stem is typically several feet tall with yellow, 5-petalted floweres in a terminal spike.

·        Seeds/Fruits: two celled, ovular fruit contains many seeds, a single plant can produce between 136,000 to 175,000 seeds.

Life Cycle


Chemical Control

Several herbicides are listed as providing control throughout the plant's growth stage including Glyphosate, 2,4-D, triclopyr, sulfometuron-methyl, and tebuthiuron. The wooly foliage of Common Mullein impedes herbicide absorption, use a surfactant to increase the success of herbicide applications.